Title Suggestions

If you're really interested in helping me out personally and you've already voted for me today there's something else you can do. Initially, when making these comics, I did not have titles. I still feel they really aren't necessary, as it's easier to remember a short number than a string of words. But people tend to like them and by popular demand, here they are. Unfortunately, I tend to be horrible when it comes to making titles, so if you see me on AIM (screen name: destinafaroda) or you wish to e-mail me a title, you can do so...with a few conditions.


  1. Keep the title PG-Rated. Innuendo is fine but I don't want four-letter words fouling up my comic.
  2. This is the biggest rule: The title must have one pair of parentheses in it. More specifically, it must have a short, single word or a couple of letters enclosed in parentheses that would change the title's meaning. For example, "The (un)Amusing Adventures of Margaret and Friends" can be read aloud as "The Unamusing Adventures of Margaret and Friends" or "The Amusing Advenures of Margaret and Friends." Puns are welcome.
  3. The title must be related to the comic itself, not the image captions/commentary. Please do not simply lift a line from the TITLE tag and offer it as a title.
  4. As of this moment, if there's a title any comic for you don't like and you can think of a better one, go ahead and suggest it. Note, though, that if this comic ever becomes popular enough, I may be forced to change this rule.
  5. Keep in mind that I reserve the right to reject or accept a title for reasons other than the above. If your title is not picked, it may have nothing to do with the quality of your suggestion but your timing. If I receive more than one suggestion, I tend to give priority to whoever contacts me first.
  6. If you make a title suggestion that is accepted, you'll be credited on the credits section...at least. I don't like accepting help without the proper thanks.