The rumors have proven false, thankfully. We have arrived at Lake Jannenia after a long walk, but a walk that was far less unplesant than traversing the rough land to Pogrom Forest. But is it Lake Jannenia or it Lake Jansenia? The two names have been used interchangeably and I have begun to believe this place has no name.
Our unit is to remain on base, as it deemed not to be needed in the fighting. Indeed, all accounts are that this region is only tenously held by the Empire. This will be a welcome respite from all the battles we have encountered. Still, I find myself wishing I were at home instead of here. For all its beauty the lake is no match for the immense expanse of the sea. The clashing clanf of cold and hot metals rings in my ears as easily as the waves of the shore, sounds which are now only a part of my memory. Sometimes, I wonder if the memory of my own bed was daydream to escape the reality of sharing a squad room with the other Amazons. But now is not the time for homesickness and all the uncertainty it brings. I must keep my mind sharp. Useless musings on paper will do nothing to make me a finer warrior.